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After watching this movie, I am sure you are asking yourself what does this have to do with criminal justice. Well, it has a lot to do with it as we see the following issues at hand: The impact on environmental law and policy, access to justice, and challenges in investigating corporate crime amongst other issues. I challenge you to write about your thoughts. Your paper will revolve around how you perceive the movie and as you look at your community, do you think a similar issue(s) can be happening and you are not aware? Also, talk about what if Erin had not been persistent, what would have happened to the people and Brinkley. Do you feel justice was served? Yes or No and why?








Prompt: Analyze the film “Erin Brockovich” through a criminal justice lens, discussing environmental law, access to justice, corporate crime, and the impact on the community.

Environmental Law and Policy

“Erin Brockovich” highlights the critical role of environmental law in protecting public health and the environment. The film exposes the harmful effects of industrial pollution on a community and the legal battles fought to hold corporations accountable. The case raises important questions about corporate responsibility, environmental regulation, and the balance between economic interests and public welfare.

Access to Justice

The film also sheds light on the challenges individuals face in accessing justice, particularly when dealing with powerful corporations. Erin Brockovich’s determination and persistence were instrumental in bringing the case to trial and securing a significant settlement for the affected community. This highlights the importance of legal representation and advocacy for marginalized groups.

Corporate Crime

“Erin Brockovich” exposes the unethical and illegal practices of Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) in contaminating groundwater with harmful chemicals. The film underscores the potential for corporations to prioritize profits over public safety and the environment. Corporate crime can have devastating consequences for communities and individuals, and it is essential to hold corporations accountable for their actions.

Community Impact

The film demonstrates the significant impact that corporate wrongdoing can have on a community. The residents of Hinkley suffered from health problems, property devaluation, and emotional distress due to the contamination of their water supply. This highlights the importance of environmental justice and the need to protect vulnerable communities from harmful corporate practices.

Similar Issues in the Community

While the specific circumstances of the Hinkley case may not be directly applicable to every community, the underlying issues of environmental pollution, corporate accountability, and access to justice are relevant to many areas. It is important to be aware of local environmental concerns and to advocate for policies that protect public health and the environment.

The Importance of Persistence

If Erin Brockovich had not been persistent in pursuing the case, it is unlikely that the residents of Hinkley would have received justice. Her determination and tenacity were instrumental in exposing PG&E’s wrongdoing and securing a settlement for the affected community. This highlights the importance of perseverance in the face of adversity and the power of individuals to make a difference.

Was Justice Served?

While the film concludes with a significant settlement for the residents of Hinkley, it is debatable whether true justice was served. The environmental damage caused by PG&E may be irreversible, and the community may continue to face long-term health consequences. Additionally, the corporation was not held criminally liable for its actions, raising questions about the effectiveness of the legal system in addressing corporate wrongdoing.

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