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Criminal justice.

After watching this movie, I am sure you are asking yourself what does this have to do with criminal justice. Well, it has a lot to do with it as we see the following issues at hand: The impact on environmental law and policy, access to justice, and challenges in...

Examples Of Crimes

  Offer examples of crimes that are classified as specific intent crimes, general intent crimes or strict liability crimes that you think should not be classified in that way. Give reasons for your answer.  

Crime Scene Reconstruction Individual Project

In this crime scene scenario, there are a number of evidence types that you will need to collect. The crime scene is a single-floor house with a burned-down tool shed in the back. There is a mailbox that appears to have been hit by a car backing out of the driveway....

Crime Scene Reconstruction Individual Project

  In this crime scene scenario, there are a number of evidence types that you will need to collect. The crime scene is a single-floor house with a burned-down tool shed in the back. There is a mailbox that appears to have been hit by a car backing out of the driveway....
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