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Change management is key to ensuring that an organization remains adept in providing state-of-the-art health care. As the world changes and communities evolve, patient and personnel needs require fresh and effective ways to meet them. Operating as a reactionary wears heavily on organizations and leaders. Planning for innovation and its diffusion breathes new life into the world of care and of work. Day-to-day operations can be a garden for growth when leadership is skilled at change management.

This Leadership Project assessment requires you to create a change project implementation plan designed for making an impact in your organization. You will create a Microsoft PowerPoint® presentation incorporating the details of your change project and daily leadership plan.

Create a 15- to 20-slide PowerPoint® presentation that includes the following: Please put in “notes page view”. Otherwise, I have to download to grade the speaker notes and upload. I want to grade in the gradebook without downloading. The link below create speaker notes gives directions.

Leaders seek out change opportunities regularly. Innovation, critical thinking, and decision making are key to making an impact on an organization through change management. This assessment is designed to help you look at aspects of your own clinical practice and become a change agent in your organization. Use your current or past experience to identify a change project to implement


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