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The Use of the Old Testament in the New

  Research the context of each of these passages and write your first draft of your paper for each passage. Then review Bock’s article on “The Use of the Old Testament in the New,” and make sure you understand his categories for the use of the OT in the NT, especially...

The God of Promise and the Life of Faith

  Chapter One: Why Do We Exist? The Image and the Kingdom of God What does it mean that humans are created in God’s image? Nature or Function? What is the position of “man” in relation to God and the rest of creation? What is God’s kingdom? Realm or relationship? The...

Studying Members of the Church of Satan

Before you begin this assignment please go to: https://www.churchofsatan.com/ Imagine you have been hired to conduct field (qualitative) research on the topic of the Church of Satan. Please answer all of the discussion questions: First discuss the beliefs of the...

Pastoral Counseling

  1. Pastoral Counseling is: 2. The term dysfunctional means: 3. People with a self-righteous conscience are: 4. How does Pastoral Counseling merge Theology and Psychology? 5. How can CPE (Clinical Pastoral Education) help Pastoral Counseling?  ...

Common risks on WLANs in a business network

      Some of the most common risks on wireless LANs (WLANs) in a business network are: Exposure of critical information to wireless sniffers and eavesdroppers Leakage of critical information beyond the network boundaries on unsecured devices Theft of data Loss,...

Outlines Of The Book Of Corinthians

Students will produce book outlines of the biblical book of Corinthians. Read and summarized for the reading assignment. Outlines should be thorough and not merely based on headings found in a particular English version but thoughtful analysis. Outlines should account...
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