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Ongoing war on terrorism

Read the following case scenario: In the ongoing war on terrorism, the new president has proposed expanding the jurisdiction of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA). FISA is a U.S. federal court established and authorized under the Foreign Intelligence...

Countering terrorism

Write about some of the legal challenges and issues associated with countering terrorism, ensuring you explain some of the domestic and international policy challenges. Then, explain some of the measures used to counter terrorist organizations, including legal...

Domestic Terrorism

Select a domestic terror group that has been active in recent years and describe it. If you have difficulty selecting an appropriate group, consider environmental groups, animal rights groups, ethnic hate groups, or anti-abortion groups. Your discussion of the...

Domestic Terrorist Group

Select one of the following four domestic terrorist groups: KKK, Black Panthers, Weathermen, and Fuerzas Armadas de Liberación Nacional. Analyze the group based on your readings this week. If necessary, conduct research to analyze the group. You can use the South...
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