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Helping process is a multisystem practice

  Social Work students need to know how the helping process is a multisystem practice. To learn this concept, write an essay (1,500-1,750 words) that addresses the following. Cite three to five scholarly sources to support your claims: 1. The Helping Process: Explain...

Social Work In The USA

  What is the actual estado del trabajo social in USA? In what is focused and cualess its functions of the actual social work in USA? Explains the historical events that impacted the different forms of practicar el trabajo social?

Culturally Relevant Research Approaches

  •    An analysis and a description of traditional research, addressing the question of its cultural relevance. •    An analysis and a description of what comprises culturally relevant research. •    An analysis and a description of at least three research studies...

Re-emergence of racial and ethnic tensions

  In recent months, there has been a re-emergence of racial and ethnic tensions within the United States. In this assignment, you (students) will select a news media discussion, newspaper article, or a social or political leader’s interview examine critically your...

Personal value system

  Write a 5-page paper in which you explore your own personal value system, and how it fits with social work values and ethics. Address the following: What are your core values? Where/how did you learn these values? In what areas do your values agree with social work...
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