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BPSS assessment

  Develop a concise BPSS assessment for a client you are currently engaged in work with. Make sure you use the examples in the lecture section and the BPSS Assessment Organization document as a guide for putting this together. The actual assessment should be...

View of individuals in poverty

1a) Discuss your view of individuals in poverty and identify if your view has changed based on the readings/viewings1b) Discuss how society views individuals in poverty and how this may impact our work as social workers in advocating for change for the individuals and...

The meaning of intersectionality

2a) Briefly discuss the meaning of intersectionality.2b) Discuss and explain how intersectionality is used in diversity and why its important for social workers to understand this concept?2c) Why is this term becoming more frequently used in days diversity courses?...

The Regulatory Complaints Exercise

LABSWE Complaint Review This exercise is designed to (1) increase your understanding of State Regulatory Laws (in Louisiana you can review LA Social Work Practice Act/Rules and Regulations or visit aswb.org to review your state law) and what constitutes a...
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