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Mental condition consider a health care strategy

Riegelman and Kirkwood (2019) point out that noncommunicable diseases represent the majority of causes of death and disability in developed countries. However, for quite some time mental health conditions/disorders were not treated as major public health issues when...

The violation of moral rights

Is the prevention of the violation of moral rights the only ground for outlawing discriminatory practices in the private sector? Might we have reasons to outlaw discrimination in hiring even if they would not necessarily violate anyone’s rights?  ...

The running race and affirmative action

What differences are there between the case of the running race, on the one hand, and the case of affirmative action, on the other? Do these differences undermine Himma’s argument? How might the significance of the differences be evaluated?  

The Repugnant Conclusion

  If we are unable to find an acceptable solution to the paradox, it seems that we will be forced to accept the Repugnant Conclusion. Should we simply go ahead and do that? Is it obvious that the Repugnant Conclusion is so repugnant? Or should we conclude that Parfit...

Makes sense to compare different populations

  Parfit’s argument depends on the assumption that it makes sense to compare different populations and say that some are better than others. Are there any reasons to deny that this makes sense? What would happen to the argument if we said that A and B were neither?...
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