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Silver Lining Playbook Clinical Analysis

Watch the movie Silver Lining Playbook (I have attached a link)Write up a case summary/case history for Bradley Coopers character Pat Solitano (I have attached an example of what a case summary/case history should look like. Use the Tony case summary/case history as...

Who is Affected/Target Population

  Use data and statistics to document how widespread the problem is in the US and who is affected by it. Include different perspectives and cite credible experts and research. What do the researchers say about the cause of the issue or are there different opinions?...

5 approaches to change in Netting

  1. There are 5 approaches to change in Netting text Chapter 10. Give your own working definition, and then an example of each that likely would apply to the community you selected for your Small Group Community Analysis assignment. 1. Policy 2. Program 3. Project 4....

Policy Memo Assessment

Policy memos are different than research papers. The purpose of a policy memo is to help a specific audience understanding the rationale for choosing a specific course of action. Memos are designed for non-academic audiences, geared toward the needs of the audience,...

Effects of Alcohol on the Brain

Alcohol – History, Current Use, Effects on the Brain, and Prevention Program SHAHRPIvania Delgado2424 unread replies.2424 replies.https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1yr7Wmj0KHKoTgAHextysjDxPTqoPO98q?usp=sharingLinks to an external site.Current Alcohol Use In...
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