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How you communicate

For this discussion, you are going to take a look back at how far you have come as a communicator, what you still need to work on, and what strengths you possess. Please answer the following questions with a 3-5 sentence answer, utilizing personal examples,...

Early Childhood Physical Development

The sensory system of the young child develops early in life. Watch the video clips Inside the Living Body and review Chapters 3, 4, 5.5, 5.6, and 5.7 in the course textbook.1) Discuss the way in which the various sensory systems develop and how sensory development...

Personal Report of Public Speaking Anxiety

    Assign 1 1. Test your speaking anxiety using McCroskey’s “Personal Report of Public Speaking Anxiety” (PRPSA). You can access the scale here: http://www.jamescmccroskey.com/measures/prpsa.htm Links to an external site.. 2, Follow the directions to determine your...

The principles of communication

  Go back and review the Communication Principles in the reading and in this module’s lesson content. Familiarize yourself with the information and address the following in your post. Choose two of the principles of communication. Provide two examples for each...
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