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Understanding Systems Change

PROMPTS: Our service-learning partnerships in this class provide a real-world exampleof an organization trying to address social problems in complex systems. Consider thework that they are doing (and you are participating in), and where/with whom they areworking, to...

The History of the Social Welfare System

Choose a period of history discussed in the assigned chapter.• Chapter 2, “The History of the Social Welfare System and the Social Work Profession” Post a response to the following:• Identify the significant events that shaped the social welfare policies and programs...

Distractions encounter as a student

Consider how to address distractions you might encounter as a student at Walden.To prepare:• Read the Week 2 Learning Resources.• Review the Discussion Rubric. Learning resourcesCherry, K. (2020). What is a digital detox?Links to an external site. Verywell Mind....

Cinderella story

  Select ONE of the Cinderella students and address the questions below: 1. What lesson does your Cinderella story teach? In other words, what is the moral of the story? 2. What did you learn about the culture in which your selected story was set? What is valued in...

School Counseling Services Presentation

  Imagine you have recently graduated with your master’s degree in school counseling from Capella University, and you have been hired as the school counselor at Madison Middle School. Review the Blooming Park: The Benefits of School Counseling multimedia activity to...
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