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Evaluate Community Risk Reduction Program

You have created a proposal that has generated a great deal of interest from your supervisor and co-workers. Your supervisor has requested you develop anevaluation strategy that will determine if the program is appropriate, adequate, effective, and efficient. Your...

Behavioral risk factors

Choose one of the following behavioral risk factors: tobacco use, alcohol/substance use, physical activity, diet/nutrition, or obesity. Provide background information and statistical data on your chosen topic for the emerging adult population (ages 18 to 29). Develop...

Risk Factors, Quality Indicators, and CAM

Identify the following regarding the health of your fictitious patient: Risk factors associated with the patient’s demographics.Complementary and alternative medicines (CAM).Quality indicators specific to the patient.Part 2: History and Physical Develop a...

Disaster Planning and Recovery

From a healthcare organization perspective, develop a disaster recovery plan for either an organization or a hospital department. Include A description of healthcare disaster issues in general and for your state.Develop a list of consequences of loss of data from a...
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