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Political Participation

      One of the factors for people not voting is “not knowing” about the candidates or the issues. As such, creating a game plan to make yourself aware of the issues before an election is a necessary activity. Before reading what others say about this topic, come up...

Federal Acquisition Process.

      Watch these videos regarding Federal Acquisition Process. Link: https://youtu.be/PBf4pduLgzo Link: https://youtu.be/3k1qB-y0NFg After watching these videos, reflect upon the federal acquisition process and then research some aspect of the federal acquisition...

The federal bureaucracy

Since the heady days of FDR’s New Deal in the 1930s, the federal bureaucracy has grown into a massive, complicated, expensive and politically savvy colossus. It performs, day in and day out, the myriad and mundane functions of governance in America. It is the...

Madison’s separation of powers

Madison’s separation of powers has worked too well in recent decades, some would say. It seems that Congresses and our Presidents are increasingly unable to find compromises to pass legislation needed by the Republic. What do you think? Is our government in...
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