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The nomination process.

Politics plays an immense role in the nomination process. Consider the nomination of Merrick Garland by Barack Obama in 2016 to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court created by the death of Justice Antonin Scalia (an icon of conservative ideology). However, at that...

The ultimate failure of the Great Society

It is clear the New Frontier and the Great Society were a commitment of hope and promise, but did everyone in the U. S. benefit from that hope and promise? Why weren’t these presidential initiatives successful for all? What were the reasons behind the ultimate failure...

State Powers

Review the Bill of Rights for the U.S. Constitution and compare to your state’s constitution (Ohio) Find three state sections that are similar to or align with the Bill of Rights (the first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution).

Political science

      What organizations support or assist START in the development of the data set it puts out on terrorism? Why is it so difficult to define and label terrorism and terrorist activities? Compare and contrast the issues raised by Englund and Stohl to the issues...
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