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  For the initial post, address the following: • State your position on one of these issues – are you for, against, or neutral? Explain why. Avoid vagueness or ambiguity in your response. Make your position very clear. • Examine how you have formed that opinion. o How...

“Game of Thrones and Philosophy”

Read the “Game of Thrones and Philosophy” excerpt of chapter 16 and answer the following questions. How did you feel about/view chivalry before this reading?Do you feel differently now?Which of the Seven do you identify with?


Read THE HOLOCAUST READER, PART II (A Racial Europe: Nazi Population and Resettlement Policy) 1) In a single sentence IN YOUR OWN WORDS (IYOW), provide an OVERVIEW of this section. 2) For each chapter (5-8), provide a THESIS sentence and THREE specific pieces of...
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