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          Stop-and-frisk is a controversial tactic in which police approach persons on the street who appear to act suspiciously, “frisk” them for weapons or contraband, then ask some questions. Reseach in New York City has shown that young males of color...

The concepts of morality and social ethics.

        Differentiate the concepts of morality and social ethics. While using the risk assessment model, what might the decision makers include in their assessment before taking action? Why is this an important step? What are the consequences of not looking at various...

How the media constructs gender norms.

          In this activity, you will examine how the media constructs gender norms. Pick from one of the following forms of media, and examine the gendered images and messages created about what it means to be a man and woman in society: magazines (American Girl and...

Thinking strategically

            Thinking strategically is critical for any organization to compete successfully and build the necessary competitive advantage for sustained superior performance. Managers and business leaders will be asked to make critical business decisions determining...
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