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Approaches to ethnic identity development

        What are the similarities and differences among the various approaches to ethnic identity development? Which theory or theories do you find most useful in helping to understand how ethnic identity development occurs. How do these theories apply to a client who...

Social interaction and neighborhood density.

    Brueckner and Largey (2008) test empirically for a positive link between social interaction and neighborhood density. Their empirical results show a negative, rather than positive, effect of density on social interaction. Glaeser and Gottlieb (2006) argue that...

Implications for Social Work Practice

    Ethical considerations Core values related to intervention and/or needs experienced by target population Are there any potential ethical issues that could occur as a result of implementation? Level of practice Individual, group, organization, community Discussion...

The enforcement of human rights

          Although many tools and strategies exist for the enforcement of human rights, using them to promote justice is difficult. Write an essay in which you discuss some of the main challenges that human rights defenders face when they try to promote and protect...
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