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Moral Development and Intensity Factors

    We discussed the stages of moral development as well as a variety of moral intensity factors. Consider and comment on the following: Identify one well-known person today (politician, celebrity, etc.) who appears to be a pre-conventional moral reasoner, and...

The use of solitary confinement

      Reflect on the use of solitary confinement, considering aspects of social justice and operational constraints of a correctional facility. Provide your opinion on whether solitary confinement should continue    ...

The use of solitary confinement

      Reflect on the use of solitary confinement, considering aspects of social justice and operational constraints of a correctional facility. Provide your opinion on whether solitary confinement should continue    ...

A visual argument about your identity.

      You will create a visual argument about your identity. Using a medium or technology of your choice, you will need to do the following: Create an artifact that visualizes or explains some aspect of your identity. Make sure to focus on your identity or personality...

A visual argument about your identity.

      You will create a visual argument about your identity. Using a medium or technology of your choice, you will need to do the following: Create an artifact that visualizes or explains some aspect of your identity. Make sure to focus on your identity or personality...

The U.S. reliance on critical infrastructures.

      Discuss U.S. reliance on critical infrastructures. If the U.S. suffered a major nationwide cyber attack, which of these critical infrastructures would be most impacted? Consider what daily activities or resources they would no longer be able to participate in or...
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