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Major parenting styles

          Pick one of the following scenarios: A 4-year-old child constantly refuses to eat the dinner that is provided. A 9-year-old child constantly talks back to authority figures, particularly her parents. A 7-year-old child constantly refuses to get out of bed in...

“sociology is a verb”

  What are your thoughts on the readings, including “sociology is a verb”? How might sociology be applied to the field in which you work or have a special interest? reading: What is...

Anti Productivist Thesis

Do you agree with the anti-productivist thesis as outlined in the Sassatelli text? What implications do you think this perspective might have for understanding consumer culture?  

Transition from traditional to modern society

    Discuss: Marx, Weber and Durkheim transition from traditional to modern society and individuals faced frustration during it with each one of theorists. “One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams. he found himself transformed in his bcd into a...
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