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Working Across Cultures

      Scenario: Your company is undertaking a new business venture in another country. Your boss has told you they want you to oversee this venture. You are excited about the opportunity and want to ensure the people you interact with work harmoniously with you.Read...

How income inequality occurs in the U.S

Write an essay of 3-5 pages in length in which you explain and discuss how income inequality occurs in the U.S., and how it is related to poverty. Include discussion of the feminization of poverty, the juvenilization of poverty, and the racialization of poverty . End...

Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development.

            Think about your understanding of Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development. What questions do you have about this theory? What do you think of as one critical flaw in Kohlberg’s description? What question or questions led you to discover or...

Analysing a contemporary moral issue.

        Conduct research and select a news story. Throughout your studies, you have been exposed to many moral theories. You have probably agreed with some and disagreed with others. In this assignment, you have the opportunity to explore some of these theories more...
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