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An op-ed analyzing a policy

            The op-ed should be 3–4 pages and cover the following: Briefly explain the issue. Include how the issue arose from global influences or interactions and examples of its effects in the local community. Summarize the policy to address these concerns. The...

Role exiting.

              Role strain, role conflict, and role exits occur in connection to our status. Discuss one example you have experienced with role exiting. To what extent does your experience match Ebaugh’s four stages of role exiting described in Chapter 5 of the...

Upward social mobility

              Is upward social mobility more difficult, less difficult, or the same today as it was in the 1950s and 1960s? Support your response with an example. Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are...

The use of flexible seating in the classroom.

              Research the use of flexible seating in the classroom. Then observe a classroom (grade level of your own choosing) and create a map of the room arrangement. Write a 3-page reflection in APA format that analyzes the arrangement and make suggestions for...
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