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Major adult learning styles

              There are many delivery approaches that can help a trainer deliver the content that needs to be learned. One core focus is to ensure that the delivery style is one that is palatable for all learners. The knowledge for this comes through the understanding...

Major adult learning styles

              There are many delivery approaches that can help a trainer deliver the content that needs to be learned. One core focus is to ensure that the delivery style is one that is palatable for all learners. The knowledge for this comes through the understanding...

Merton’s theory

          In Merton’s theory, he discusses 5 modes of adaptation: conformity, innovation, ritualism, retreatism, and rebellion. Which mode or modes of adaptation have you used during your life? Do you believe you might have been more likely or less likely to commit a...

Social interaction and neighborhood density.

          Brueckner and Largey (2008) test empirically for a positive link between social interaction and neighborhood density. Their empirical results show a negative, rather than positive, effect of density on social interaction. Glaeser and Gottlieb (2006) argue...
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