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Personal Cultural Observations

        Describe the culture of the group you observed, including their shared values, language, rituals or traditions, religious or spiritual beliefs, and roles and expectations of the members of the group. Explain how the attitudes, beliefs, and values of this...

Benita J. Fatality Case

          Watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUfFIFBziEQ Respond to the questions below: What were the risk factors prior to the death of the four daughters? Do you believe the deaths could have been prevented? What preventative actions should the family, friends,...

Gender/Sexuality and School Curriculum

            Recently, the governor of Florida signed a bill that prohibits teachers from including curriculum related to gender identity and sexual orientation in classes. Outline the nature of this debate in relation to relevant course material and concepts that we...


          Self-awareness, which is sometimes also referred to as self-knowledge or introspection, is about understanding your own needs, desires, shortcomings, habits, and everything else that makes you tick. Simply put, it just means to be “aware” of the things that...
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