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The Thomas Theorem

    A. Explain the Thomas Theorem. What does the Thomas Theorem suggest about reality? What would the Thomas Theorem suggest about the legitimacy of Santa Claus? How would the Thomas Theorem explain the belief in Santa Claus, is the belief legitimate, explain? B. If...

The way identity relates to success in America.

            Make clear points about the way identity (race, gender, or class) relates to success in America. You will need to consider factors that shaped the identities of Americans like Malcolm X and Federick Douglass and reflect on 1. What constitutes identities in...

The way identity relates to success in America.

            Make clear points about the way identity (race, gender, or class) relates to success in America. You will need to consider factors that shaped the identities of Americans like Malcolm X and Federick Douglass and reflect on 1. What constitutes identities in...
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