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Amusing Ourselves to Death

  Use this week’s readings from Twenge and Silverman, along with Postman (Amusing Ourselves to Death) and Newman (Chapter 6 on “Supporting Identity: The Presentation of Self”), to discuss the ways in which our culture prioritizes entertainment and...

The Thomas Theorem

            If an adult has an imaginary friend, a friend no one else is capable of seeing, hearing, etc., according to the Thomas Theorem, how should this individual be treated? Is this belief legitimate? How should we handle an individual with such beliefs...

Cultural diversity.

            The facility administrator has asked you to prepare a PowerPoint presentation as an in-service education workshop on cultural diversity. The presentation should include a working definition of cultural diversity in direct and non-direct healthcare...


          Address the following information for assigned Millennium Development Goal: Describe the assigned Millennium Development Goal Summarize three key measures of the goal Summarize the goal trends Describe the associated chart/interactive map for the goal For...
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