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Individual and institutional racism

            Throughout history African Americans have experienced discrimination when it comes to accessing loans to purchase a home. Is this an example of individual or institutional racism? Explain your answer. What long-term impact has this had?...

Conflict between family life and work

            Why is conflict between family life and work more common today than it was a century ago? What 2 factors are involved in this change? On balance, do you see these changes as good or not? Why? As a sociologists, what 2 practical suggestions would you offer...

The concept of a rising standard of living

            The concept of a rising standard of living can be understood by analyzing how many people can afford to have a variety of household technologies. Not that long ago, technologies that we now regard as essential were either not available at any price or were...

A Class Divided (full film)

            After watching, in at least one page, please consider the following questions: General Reactions (at least one of these should be answered) What did you learn? What scene or scenes do you think you’ll still remember a month from now and why those...
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