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Defying stereotypes of aging

                  Think of an older person you know well, perhaps a grandparent, other relative, or neighbour. How does this person defy certain stereotypes of aging? Based on what you know about symbolic interactionism and feminist theory, what do you think...

Bullying, gang violence, and hate crimes

            Bullying, gang violence, and hate crimes all have a common denominator: acts of violence toward individuals or groups from whom the perpetrator(s) feels some level of threat. This threat results in the perpetrator(s) taking action. A bully might attempt to...

Cultural Influence

        Research how gender roles differ between the U.S. and two other countries. Tell me how they are different and why you think the other culture influenced a different gender role. What do the gender roles convey about what a country values? How do the roles help...

Race and Ethnic Structure in the U.S.

    Race and Ethnic Structure in the U.S.       For various reasons, relationship issue of race and ethnic relation comes up, some students are quick to shut down the discussion by saying “Oh, but that is in the past.” Maybe so, but not in a sociology...
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