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The sexual responses in older adults.

            Describe and discuss the pathological conditions that might affect the sexual responses in older adults. How and why do you think Nutritional factors, psychological factors, drugs and complementary and alternative medications affect the immune system in...

Culture and cross-cultural risks.

            Explain culture and cross-cultural risks. You will address how international businesses are affected by country cultures. Be sure that you accurately answer the following questions in your analysis: What is the effect of culture on international business,...

Creating a pitch for funding

          Create a pitch for funding. In this pitch, you will have to convince senior management to greenlight the new product or service. Aspects of the pitch that must be addressed: Value proposition: Describe the company’s current value proposition in the market....

Cultural competence

            Recognize customs of different countries and become culturally sensitive to the needs of patients from different countries. Understand the meaning of cultural competence and culturally responsive care and how to apply it in a clinical setting. Create an...
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