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The police subculture

              The police subculture is defined by secrecy, solidarity, and cynicism. In at least 350 words, reflect on how a subculture that promotes these attributes impacts an officer’s ability to conduct himself or herself in a professional and ethical manner.    ...

A reflection paper

              How did you fulfill your goals in taking this class? What contributions do you feel you’ve made to others in this class? What contributions did others make to you? Have you learned any new concepts that will continue to stimulate your thinking? If so,...

Why social aligned with conflict theory

  Reflect why your social topic is aligned with conflict theory, structural functional theory, or symbolic interactionism. Use the selected social topic to create an essay that includes: Why you chose this topic? Why is this topic important to you? History of the...

Formal assessment tools

                As the leader of your school district’s assessment and evaluation team, you have been asked to share information about two formal assessment tools with parents, teachers, administrators, and the larger community. Identify 2 formal assessment tools used...
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