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Critical infrastructures

              Consider what you now know about critical infrastructures, perhaps focusing on three different ones or common threads that you find throughout and, focusing on just three, share your thoughts. For each, individually discuss What is it? Why is it an...

Societal Impact

            Use an example from one of the six common domains of SDOH (economic stability, neighborhood, education, food, community/social support, and health care system) to form your response. Diversity: Who is or isn’t represented when we discuss social...

Technology takes over love

    Do you think people can really fall in love by using a dating service or an app? What are the pros and cons of meeting people in ‘real’ life or online? Who has experienced online dating? Tell us about it, what works, what doesn’t, what to watch...

Transformation specialist

          This Week’s Case Study: Sally is a 41 year-old female with a history of unsuccessful weight loss attempts. In the past, Sally has tried “almost every diet known to man” and now wants to lose “at least fifty pounds” and “stop fighting with myself”. Sally...

Ccritical infrastructure (CI)

                What does critical infrastructure (CI) mean? What are soft and hard targets? What does the term cascading effects mean? What is the most important CI where you live or work? Why do you say this?   TEXTBOOK: Bennett, B. T. (2018). Understanding,...
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