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Culturally Biased

            Imagine that you have been asked to teach using a text or curriculum material that you believe is culturally biased. What might you do in response? How might you appropriately and professionally address the issue? This discussion should be at least 100...

Comparing two cities

            Compare and contrast two different cities and towns in Rhode Island during the same Fiscal Year. You can also compare the State of Rhode Island CAFR’s for two different Fiscal Years. Cities/towns, as well as the State’s Annual Report can be...

Gentle Subversive

          Paper instructions: Rachel Carson wrote one of the most influential books of the 20th Century. Silent Spring warned of the dangers of the widespread use of pesticides, most notably DDT. Her work highlighted the dangers to humans and wildlife. Mark Lytle...

Harker’s assessment

        Harker’s assessment that both climate change skepticism and the controversy over evolution/intelligent design are “created controversies?” Site: bid4papers.com Read Part III: Exposing Created Controversies Do you agree with Harker’s assessment that both...
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