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Immigrants and refugees

          Immigrants and refugees have been growing populations in many cities across the country. These groups of people can have limited resources yet need health services. The experiences they have had in their home countries, or even while traveling to their...

The concept of culture shock

            Explain the concept of culture shock by imagining that a person who lived in the United States in the 1860s time traveled to the United States of today. What are some aspects of American culture that might shock this visitor? Are there any aspects of...

The Building Blocks of Culture

          Culture can be seen in every society if you know the building blocks of it. Write a 500 or more words about a culture that you encountered that is different from your daily culture. 1. A discussion of the different building blocks and how you saw them...

Applied sociologists

          Politician, lawyer and sociologist, does Max Weber provide a good role model for applied sociologists? Why or why not? How do the ideas expressed in the Freiburg Address influence your opinion? Reading 1: https://www.jstor.org/stable/488244 Reading 2:...
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