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Social Interaction, Groups, and Social Structure

            Max Weber discussed the 5 characteristics of the ideal type of bureaucracy. Think through how Sheridan could be an example of an ideal type if all of the characteristics were met? What is an example for each characteristic? In addition Has Sheridan college...

Ideal Bureaucracies

            Consider the bureaucracies that you come in contact with (college, work, IRS, medical offices, or the Post Office). For the written assignment this week, pick one bureaucracy with which you are familiar, and create a 750 (or more) word, describe the...

Theory of Constraints

          Describe an example where Theory of Constraints (TOC) was successfully applied to improve a process, or where you saw the potential for TOC to improve the process, in either a company you worked for or a company you were a customer at. What is the Lean...

Impact of birth order

  Topic: impact of birth order (youngest child, middle child, oldest child) on behavior Instructions: Define the research problem Select a theory functionalism, conflict theory, symbolic interactionism, feminist theory or Postmodernism. Review the literature/evidence-...

Hill’s idea of virtue

          Respond in writing to these items: Discuss how Hill’s idea of virtue (what sort of person are you) versus rights (what you can legally do) impacts our discussion of environmental issues. He indicates that indifference to non-sentient nature may signal...
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