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Components of religion

Attend a religious service of a group that is entirely new to you. Take notes if you can during the service or immediately afterwards of your experience. Afterwards, use your notes to blog about the following components of religion: ritual, beliefs, and the sacred....

Experience you had or something you saw

  Write about an experience you had or something you saw that was interesting and then, relate that experience or observation to the textbook reading. This is your chance to see firsthand how useful sociology is and how sociological ideas are meaningful to your...

Integration And Self Reflection

            In this writing assignment, you will reflect on your journey toward cultural competence Reflect on the future of cultural competence in the nursing profession. Propose one major individual-level strategy whereby cultural competence can be integrated into...


            In (750- 1000) words on specific “artifacts”, such as a painting, or a poem relevant to that section “How does the artifact bring together the different methods and focus an understanding of the data presented in the module? How does it show the...
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