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Feasibility of your meal planning

Evaluate the feasibility of your meal planning by returning to the individual or family at the end of Week 4. Contact the individual/family in person or by phone. Inquire as to how the meal plan worked. Was it useful? Were they able to stay within budget and find all...

Nutrition for Life

Review Chapters 3, 4, and 5 of the course text, Nutrition for Life.Think about the foods you eat and the different organic compounds from this week’s resources that may be present in those foods. Many people look at the label for information, but what about food...

Nutrition for Life

Review Chapters 3, 4, and 5 of the course text, Nutrition for Life.Think about the foods you eat and the different organic compounds from this week’s resources that may be present in those foods. Many people look at the label for information, but what about food...
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