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Nutrient density

Nutrient density is a term used to describe certain foods. Show your understanding of this concept by answering the following questions: a. Briefly explain the difference between a food that is considered nutrient dense and one that is considered energy dense, and...

Importance of meeting nutritional needs

Throughout this course, we have tried to emphasize the importance of meeting nutritional needs through a healthy diet, rather than through the use of supplements. Exceptions are made when individuals may need certain nutrients in greater amounts than those found in...

Food(s) implicated in the outbreak

Find a current, online news story (within the last 6 months) about a foodborne illness outbreak that was linked to a foodservice facility. The facility might be a restaurant, school, hospital, etc. No more than three students may choose the same outbreak. It is...

Evaluating Your BMI and Percent Body Fat

  Chapter 14 – Body Composition: Calculating and Evaluating Your BMI and Percent Body Fat 1. Calculate your BMI (see the formula on page 524 or watch this 2 minute video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCsZsFt7Pwg&list=RDQM4jNnPRVmB_4&start_radio=1) Show the...
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