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Assessing abdominal pain.

Make a comprehensive list of relevant information to gather when assessing abdominal pain.How do you assess for masses in the abdomen and how you would document such findings?Describe your findings on a previous patient that you have encountered where you have...

Critical thinking and evidence-based practice.

Define critical thinking and evidence-based practice. Discuss what critical thinking in nursing practice entails and explain why it is important. Discuss the role of critical thinking and evidence-based practice as they relate to client outcomes.

A rectal examination of an older adult.

You are about to perform a rectal examination of an older adult. What are the steps to examine this patient?Explain your rationale.What are some findings you can have while assessing the rectal sphincter?Describe the differences during the rectal examination of acute...

Inflammatory response

Fifty-nine–year-old Ray is complaining of a nagging discomfort in his buttocks and hips. It started about 6 weeks ago and is now interfering with his sleep. Ray says that when he lies down, the discomfort gets worse, so he often gets up in the middle of the night to...
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