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Examples of Effective and Ineffective Supervision

Post one example of effective supervision and one example of ineffective supervision that you experienced or observed in a professional setting. Be sure to use pseudonyms to protect the identity of the people involved. Explain how your examples would inform your role...

Examples of Effective and Ineffective Supervision

Post one example of effective supervision and one example of ineffective supervision that you experienced or observed in a professional setting. Be sure to use pseudonyms to protect the identity of the people involved. Explain how your examples would inform your role...

Strategies for Evoking Change Talk

  Based on your Hart City service user and their presenting challenge, post a description of three strategies for evoking change talk you would use. Explain why you believe each is the correct strategy to use with your particular service user and their presenting...

Strategies for Evoking Change Talk

  Based on your Hart City service user and their presenting challenge, post a description of three strategies for evoking change talk you would use. Explain why you believe each is the correct strategy to use with your particular service user and their presenting...
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