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Historical periods of music.

        Recognize various elements, styles, composers, and major historical periods of music. Identify and discuss genres and uses of music. Demonstrate knowledge of the historical and cultural context of musical styles and periods. Analyze and make critical judgments...

Sexualization of Women in Music

Write a paper with narration on your approved topic chosen in week 3 of the course. Topic: Sexualization of women in music The paper needs to be 5 – 7 pages in length.  Page count does not include a cover page or bibliography. The paper should be double-spaced...

The Art of Songwriting: Unleashing Your Creativity

  Use process analysis to teach your audience how to do one of the step-by-step processes below: AHCD: How to write a song Explain the process one step at a time, and be sure to provide your reader with enough detail to make each step clear. (Note: Although you will...

A musical piece from the Modern era

        Pick a short musical piece from the Modern era that can be found on Youtube, and analyze it using the terminology and concepts covered in the first two modules. Include the link, and describe the following elements: melody, rhythm, harmony, texture, form,...
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