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Disaster Planning for Your Unit

You are a nurse manager in charge of developing a disaster plan for your unit. As the manager, you will need to include the influential agencies, stakeholders and the roles of the nurses in disasters. First Post Identify the influential agencies and stakeholders you...

Disaster Planning for Your Unit

You are a nurse manager in charge of developing a disaster plan for your unit. As the manager, you will need to include the influential agencies, stakeholders and the roles of the nurses in disasters. First Post Identify the influential agencies and stakeholders you...

Change and adventure

          Human beings have desires for change and adventure on the one hand and stability and safety on the other hand. How would you as a leader most effectively address both of these needs in organizations that invoke a model of continuous change?...

The Community And The Corporation

  Find a business outreach event involving your selected company? How does their participation in the event align with their stance as a business in the community? Find a business outreach event in YOUR LOCAL community. What business or businesses are sponsoring the...

When demand is more elastic

When demand is more elastic, consumers are more price sensitive (that is, there is a more pronounced change in quantity associated with a change in price). Can you think of a product whose price elasticity of demand might change over time? Why is this?
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