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Smart Borders

      Describe “Smart Borders” in the context of detection capability? Examine Intellectual Property (IP) theft/violations and the economic impact of border security in 2022? What can be done to address the Chinese efforts at wholesale IP...

The U.S. Homeland Security

Locate the nearest Fusion Center to you (i live in Elizabeth city nc) via the U.S. Homeland Security link. If you are overseas, please pick one from where you are from or your last/next duty station. Once you find your local Fusion Center, discuss in depth the...

The Department of Homeland Security

The Department of Homeland Security, created in 2002, created the second-largest government agency in the country (second only to the Department of Defense). The creation of this agency was highly controversial in the United States Congress for two primary reasons....

The Department of Homeland Security

The Department of Homeland Security, created in 2002, created the second-largest government agency in the country (second only to the Department of Defense). The creation of this agency was highly controversial in the United States Congress for two primary reasons....
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