by essay_panther | Oct 23, 2023 | History
Was Alexander a “great man in history? Or not? This is actually not a question so much about Alexander, as it is about causation. In particular, who, or what, brings about change, sets the course of history? 1) The chief agent of change. 2) The...
by essay_panther | Oct 23, 2023 | History
Write a persuasive essay about The article 5 of the convention between the United States and Great Britain
by essay_panther | Oct 23, 2023 | History
The painting is Girl Before A Mirror, 1932 by Pablo Picasso Why do you like this painting? What draws you in? What emotions do they evoke? What about the work do you find provocative? Use at least 3 different adjectives describing your response to each of the...
by essay_panther | Oct 23, 2023 | History
Scholars interpret history through the research of primary sources, or what individuals of the time period wrote and said about the world as they experienced it. History textbooks such as de la Teja’s Texas: Crossroads of North America are often at quite a remove...
by essay_panther | Oct 20, 2023 | History
Write a two-page narrative essay on the Ottoman Empire
by Brian Leakey | Oct 19, 2023 | History
In at least 250 words, answer the following questions: What is history, and why should we study it? Also, do you enjoy history? Why or not?
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