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Healthcare reform

        Although health IT governance is a relatively “new” concept, the demands for this expertise are vast and the needs are immediate. Healthcare reform is one example. How is health IT governance being used to ensure that the requirements of the...

The health care delivery system

        When we think of the health care delivery system and providing positive health care outcomes for patients it is important to consider cultural competency throughout the organization. Respecting the beliefs and cultural customs of patients helps to reduce...

A strategic alliance on Equity-Based Health Care

        Explore a strategic alliance on Equity-Based Health Care Prior to completing this discussion topic, read What Are Strategic Alliances? Address the following in your discussion post, · Analyze potential benefits and challenges that may occur for both...

Personal Health records

        The student will build and illustrate through a 5-10 slide power point presentation a current topic relating to computers in health care, specifically relating to Health Information Management. A four page paper will accompany the power point. You will submit...
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