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Smarter Houses and devices

  Use EBSCOhost’s Academic Search Premier database (accessible through the myEdison portal under My Resources > Educational) to search for articles on ethical issues raised by the new or emerging technology that you selected in Part 1. Locate at least four...

Healthcare issue/stressor.

Identify and describe at least two competing needs impacting your selected healthcare issue/stressor.Describe a relevant policy or practice in your organization that may influence your selected healthcare issue/stressor.Critique the policy for ethical considerations,...

Health assessment skills

In a Word® document answer the following questions. What two areas of knowledge have you gained?What specific health assessment skills are you now able to integrate into your nursing care?Are there any areas that still remain unclear? What will you do to increase your...

Exposed directly to hazardous agents

Even though workers in professional occupations usually are not exposed directly to hazardous agents, they are prone to occupationally associated illnesses. What types of hazards and associated illnesses predominate in professional occupations? What interventions...

The use of recycled water

What health-related considerations relate to the use of recycled water? What level of processing is required for wastewater to be recycled? Describe some of the uses of recycled water.

Stages for processing sewage

Describe the stages for processing sewage. At what stage of processing is it permissible in the United States to dispose of wastewater from sewage into waterways?
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