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• List three ways the Doctor of Nursing (DNP)-prepared nurse could provide leadership in helping a health care entity optimize reimbursement from insurers.• Describe a new insight or perspective gained after reviewing this weeks’ review of the IHI ACA video as...

Anti-smoking campaigns

Review four different anti-smoking campaigns – two that used negative strategies and two that used positive strategies. Talk about how the campaigns were carried out and possibly the outcome of the campaigns. (with references)

Problems in health care organizations

Competency 1: Evaluate problems in health care organizations, and apply tools to improve quality and outcomes.Provide rationale for the selected problem analysis model or tool.Competency 3: Construct evidence-based health care management recommendations in compliance...

Community Health Problem & Improvement

Community Health Problem & Improvement Briefly describe one community health problem from your community’s health improvement plan. What structure, process, and outcome standards would you use to evaluate a program addressing this problem?
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