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Telehealth/Telemedicine has been a growing trend

Telehealth/Telemedicine has been a growing trend. How would you, the counselor, use this modality in treatment planning with adolescents with substance use disorders? What are some benefits and drawbacks to using Telehealth/Telemedicine when it comes to treatment...

Healthcare Workforce Diversity

Additional articles providing background information: Hongyan, L., Wenbo, N., & Junxin, L. (2014). The benefits and caveats of international nurse migration. International Journal of Nursing Sciences, 1(3), 314–317. Retrieved from...

“How’s Your Social Health”

In the video “How’s Your Social Health”, the speaker presents a tool to measure social health. Have you encountered anything similar in your studies thus far? Perhaps in a clinical setting? Why is measuring social health so...

Social Determinants of Health

Health care is a complex system that requires in-depth thinking, expertise, and ethical consideration so to encapsulate and further associate the concepts you are learning, in most modules, you will have the opportunity to reflect in-depth on relevant interconnected...
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