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Are supplements safe?

Watch Are supplements safe? video https://youtu.be/vD9rMJ7dVrc?si=3hILXxdAQHZknMxZ please watch the video Watch Video Read the article Dietary Supplement Regulations and answer the questions below. · Define dietary supplements. · What are the arguments supporting the...

Alterations in the clotting cascade

How do alterations in the clotting cascade contribute to the development of hemorrhagic disorders, and how can nurse practitioners use their understanding of the underlying pathophysiology to develop targeted interventions that address the various aspects of care for...

Sunburn/skin cancer

Many persons associate sunburn only with summer temperatures, when in fact, sunburn can occur year-round, particularly in those participating in outdoor sports. Years of overexposure may lead to skin cancer. Find two (2) peer-reviewed articles about sunburn/skin...

Healthy aging

Healthy aging is an important public health issue, both nationally and internationally. The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes healthy aging as a process whereby all people of all ages are able to live a healthy, safe and socially inclusive lifestyle. Discuss...
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