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Health IT governance

Although health IT governance is a relatively “new” concept, the demands for this expertise are vast and the needs are immediate. Healthcare reform is one example. How is health IT governance being used to ensure that the requirements of the Affordable...

Health Challenges Across the Afghan Lifespan

Abrisham, a fourteen-year-old pregnant teen, has fled from her hometown in Farah province to a tent city 300 kilometres away due to intensified fighting. She has travelled with her two siblings, three- and nine-year-old boys, along with her forty-year-old mother,...

Patient Centric Integrated Health System

Scenario Patient Centric Integrated Health System is in the process of updating its new hire orientation program. Feedback from employees revealed inadequate training on the role and impact of Health Information Technology in healthcare and their organization. In...

Informatics In Healthcare

Scenario: A patient approaches you after her consultation with her physician. Her physician had reviewed her electronic health record with her during the consultation. The patient realized that some of the information in her EHR was incorrect. The patient asks you to...
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