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Addressing the issue of long-term care.

There has been a marriage of state and federal government, through the Affordable Care Act (ACA) around the issue of long-term care for the disabled and elderly. States have worked to expand Medicaid home and community-based services. This has been a growing area, as...

Healthcare policies

As new illnesses, conditions, diseases, technology or approaches to treatment are discovered and/or used in healthcare we often create new policies to accompany them. Policies are typically enacted to prevent situations from becoming worse and oftentimes to improve...

Healthcare information technology

Healthcare information technology has contributed significantly to delivering healthcare services to patients. Respond to the following: Describe the benefits and challenges of patient portals for patients and healthcare providers.

Description of the health policy

Review the Congress website provided in the Resources and identify one recent (within the past 5 years) proposed health policy.Review the health policy you identified and reflect on the background and development of this health policy. OST a description of the health...
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