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Mud for the Land

Answer two of the following question in essay form (including an introduction with a thesis statement, and a conclusion). You must draw from both lecture material and course readings/viewings in your answers.In his article “Mud for the Land,” Nick Blomley suggests...

New analytical tools

Answer two of the following question in essay form (including an introduction with a thesis statement, and a conclusion). You must draw from both lecture material and course readings/viewings in your answers.Do we need new analytical tools to understand contemporary...

climate change

prepare a 5-7 minute presentation for a group of high school students which introduces them to past examples of Earth’s climate and how we know what’s what the climate looked like. In this presentation be sure to address the following: At least two examples of past...

The Geologic Past, Present, and Future

We are surrounded by beautiful natural formations, be it forests, rivers, mountains, or oceans. Geology is the study of all of Earth’s natural forms, not just rocks and minerals. Specifically, geology looks at how and why these things came to be. Pick a major...
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